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Extract Texts From Any Image In Windows, Android

Here in this tutorial we will tell you about a free app Ground Truth Text which could be used to extract texts from any image in Windows, MAC, Android or iOS.

Ground Truth Text is a free app which comes for windows, Android, iOS and Mac as well. This App saves enormous time and gives accuracy. For this the gttext project helps to create fast and quality Ground Truthed data-sets from color text images. It performs fast OCR text recognition and copies image text to clipboard. Loads from screen snapshots, image files and scans documents.

It basically works by detecting pixel, and trying to make best possible group regions to form the glyph and even use a direct editing to get a choice. It extracts text from complex color image immediately just by selecting the region of the open, scanned or pasted image document.

How To Extract Texts From Any Image

1. Download this app from the link provided at the last of this article. Once you installed this app onto your system, Run this app. It will open a window asking to select an Image.

2. When you select an image, it will be opened on its left panel. Here in the above screenshot, you can see tool bar which is very important. One interesting thing which this app has is having the fun of capturing any Screen Image. You can a take a picture of whatever is going on to your screen. 

3.  To extract texts from images, go to the Tools option in the tool bar and then select Copy Text From and then Full Image to download the whole texts present in this picture..

4. If you need texts from a part of the image, go for Area Text OCR and then select the part of image from where you want to have the texts. 

5. It will start to extract texts from images and then show you a window full with the texts extracted from the image file on it.

We often get stuck while reading something which is in image format. In that case, we can't use different options which we use during reading a file in PDF. Well, in that case, you can use this app to extract the text from image files. This could also help you if you want to save some quotes from an interesting image but don't want to save the theme. It will extract the texts and then you could easily use those texts  anywhere.

Click Here to Download Ground Truth Text


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